Baby Shower Time!
Hello again! My work, MidAmerica generously threw me a baby shower! Here is a picture of me being surprised...

I was promptly "Pinned" with a "MOM TO BE" Ribbon:

The cake was amazing- awesome design and very tasty. It was a chocolate cake but it wasn't too rich or too much. JUST RIGHT! And what pregnant lady and an office full of people with nothing better to do on a Friday afternoon doesn't appreciate CHOCOLATE CAKE?


With Meredith...

With Kendal, a conspirator of the baby shower...

The Office got together and decided that they would each chip in for a Babies R Us gift certificate and/or pick their favorite children's book as a gift for Baby, John and me. Little did they know, I really enjoy children's books, so it is an equal treat for me as it is for this little baby!

I really like the Hungry Caterpillar!
So, the party was over after everyone had cake and laughed with me a bit over my delight with the children's books. Time to get back to work!

As you can see by the profile, I still look pretty small. Don't be deceived! Guess what, folks? The baby was almost 5 lbs and probably a little more than 12 inches (head to butt). We had just been to an ultrasound that week. About 8 weeks left 'till the big "A-Day" (Arrival Day!)