Miriam Frances Welsh
Born on Wednesday, November 15, 2006 at 12:51PM
7lbs 12oz; 19.75 inches long
Very sweet temperment.
I was feeling sort of under the weather on Monday/Tuesday..some cold symptoms and mild flu issues. I hadn't been able to hold food down for about 36 hours, which, even though I dealt with nausea/vomiting the entire pregnancy, I knew this was not quite par for the course. I was also on a preeclampsia watch from my Dr. When I called the Dr. on Tuesday, she encouraged me to go and get it checked out. It might be nothing, it might be something...so I went to the hospital triage on Tuesday afternoon.
They took one look at me and listened to my symptoms and figured that it might be good to induce labor. I wanted to go home and come back on Wednesday, but by the time the decision was made, it was not possible for me to leave. So the induction drugs started around 7PM. Labor continued overnight. John was super amazing. I can't say enough about how much I love him and appreciate everything he's done for me. I continue to be touched and amazed! I can't imagine God's love for us as I experience John's love and now experiencing love for Miriam. Sorry about the sentimentality.... back to the story...around 11AM, I was ready to go; and at 12:51, she was in our arms!
She has super long eyelashes and a full head of hair. She also has long fingers. The birth left her vitrtually unmarked or blemished.
Here are some pictures for you to enjoy!

Stay tuned for more pictures; I know we'll have plenty! This little girl is a sight to behold!
Much love,
Mary, John and little Miriam