Sara, Mark and Paul came for a visit. Oddly enough, it was the first real cold snap of the winter season- and it was the end of January! We had a lovely visit and it was really nice to have them up.

Paul and Miriam got along as best as they could. All they could really say to eachother was a series of "ahhs" and "ooh's". The most entertaining moment of the weekend from my perspective is when I was burping Miriam on my shoulder. Paul looked over and saw that I was patting Miriam on her back. He turned to his Mom and started patting her. It was pretty funny. Paul was very good at comforting Miriam when she cried.

It's quite amazing to notice subtle, almost indistinguishable changes in her looks and expressions.
Her personality is really starting to show up as well. She is smiling a lot- and sometimes getting her whole body in on the action: kicking legs, waving arms, broadly smiling from ear to ear. It just makes John and I so joyful to see her like this. Thankfully, she's not too much of a crier (unless she's REALLY desperate or we did her wrong!). And she settles pretty quickly and returns to her calm self. John and I have started calling her "Happy".
Bye for now!:)