Sunday, May 06, 2007

A new way of eating

Miriam is about 5 and a half months now. Over the past few weeks, John and I have noticed Miriam imitating us when we eat. She is "chewing" and has no issues tasting the toys she holds. She has also started to reach and grab things. A few times, she has gone for a plate of food or my glasses; she is developing a sense of courisity about everything! John and I thought about waiting 'til the six month mark to start her on rice cereal. But, today we decided to jump in and see how she would take to it.

At first, she was not happy to be in the new high chair. I was nervous for how this would go...

But, her tears were short lived. There was a new teething toy to mouth and hold:

Finally the production is under way.....and she enjoyed every minute of it. I'll continue to work her on rice cereal for a few weeks.

Miriam equally enjoying her hands:

Back to the main attraction:

(sorry the above picture is blurry...her expression is so cute though!)

Too bad I missed the product placement of the Gerber Rice Cereal. She could be the new posterchild for baby food! Be on the lookout for the billboard in Times Square!