Monday, January 22, 2007

Some Funnies!

Miriam is growing! This onesie is almost too small for her, I had a hard time getting it over her head. It got stuck, and in the funniest way, I just couldn't help but crack up when I flashed back to the Gremlins or an Ewok. I hope she forgives me for laughing at her, and for taking pictures to share with you all. Hmm, could this be yearbook material when she is a senior in High School?

In this picture, I was testing which chair to use for the pictures with the baptismal gown on. I was also checking for light in the room (sorry, artist's perfection here!) So i had her positioned, she was sitting well....I stepped back...she still looked good...and then right as I took the picture she slumped over. Silly Mommy! She has a smile on her face, though. She was having as much fun as I was.

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