Titus and Miriam- Miriam is a week older, but Titus is crawling and has more teeth. They were fast friends.
I'll try not to let so much time pass between posts next time! I need to keep my camera handy!
Here are the latest stats...from today's 9 month check up. Miriam is 20 lbs heavy and 29 inches tall. She's clapping, shaking her head no, rolling over, almost crawling, standing, and she has her lower two front teeth! We think she's close to getting the top two soon.
She's also vocalizing a lot. She says many dipthongs-- "boy-o, boy-o, boy-o", "doe-y, doe-y, doe-y" "yabba-dabba", "Mama mama", "da da", "bedo bedo" to name most.
By leaps and bounds, she's changing! I will keep you updated as she grows.
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